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Customer Service

SMCMUA, like many water utilities, calculates water bills in cubic feet. A cubic foot of water is the volume of water in a container one foot wide, one foot tall and one foot deep.  A cubic foot of water contains 7.48 gallons of water.

Residential meters are read quarterly generally using our Automatic Meter Reading equipment.  A computer in SMCMUA's office calls and reads your water meter using a device called a meter interface unit without your phone ringing.  The reading records the meter reading and compares the reading to the previous quarter's reading.   The difference between the quarterly readings is the actual water consumption and determines the size of your water bill.

Each one hundred cubic feet of water (748 gallons) is the equivalent of one consumption unit.  The typical residential customer uses about 30 consumption units per quarter or about 22,500 gallons.

SMCMUA promotes water conservation by rewarding consumers who use less water and charging more for those who use larger quantities.  You can see the difference in water bills by checking out the Water Conservation section of this site.  This type of rate structure is called an increasing block rate.

Current Water Rate Schedule and Miscellaneous Charges (Effective January 1, 2025)

Click Here for Calculating Bill Methods






Bill Format


Please call our Customer Service Department at 973-326-6880 or email us at customerservice@smcmua.org for any questions.


View Bill Format


Pay Online


Click here for Step by step instructions to pay your bill online


Pay Online



Setup Water Account


To apply for water service to premises previously supplied by SMCMUA, contact the Customer Service Department at 973-326-6880 to obtain an Application for Water Service.  You may also click on one of the links below to view.  Water accounts must be in the property owner’s name, as water charges are attached to the property.  Unpaid water bills are subject to property liens.


Residential Account Application        Commercial Account Application


Real Estate Closing


Please use the Real Estate Closing Information Form to advise The Southeast Morris County Municipal Utilities Authority (SMCMUA or Authority) of a closing taking place on a property that has an account with the Authority.  Please fill out the form with as much information as possible and submit to the Authority. Approximately 5-7 days after the closing date listed below, a representative of the Authority will reach out to the seller’s attorney to confirm that the closing took place as scheduled. The Authority will then generate a final bill for water used at the property up to the closing date using an automatic reading system. Please be advised that if there is not a properly functioning automatic reading system on the meter at the property, a representative of the Authority will reach out to the seller and either attempt to schedule a time to have this equipment installed prior to the closing, or someone will need to meet a service person at the house on the day of the closing to obtain a read.


Click on the link to the Real Estate Closing Form below, save it to your computer and fill out the information as completely as possible.  Once complete, you may return by e-mail to customerservice@smcmua.org or fax the form to 973-326-6864.


  Residential Real Estate Closing Form       Commercial Real Estate Closing Form